Sherry's Success Story
I used to think Debtors Anonymous (D.A.) was for rich people who couldn’t handle their money. Growing up on welfare, I believed I wasn’t good enough to be part of D.A. What could someone like me possibly contribute? I felt stuck in feelings of being “less than” — less than as a woman, as an African American, and as someone who constantly struggled financially. I didn’t think I belonged.
Despite my doubts, I kept coming back, just as others in D.A. encouraged me to do. I began tracking my numbers — what came in and what went out. I started doing service, like keeping time at meetings, being a secretary, and greeting others. Little by little, I started to take responsibility for my life.
D.A.’s Twelve Steps, Traditions, and Tools helped me discover something incredible: my Higher Power (HP) loves me exactly as I am. Through this program, I’ve learned that I’m not better or worse than anyone else. I’ve replaced the shame of being a “chronic debtor” or “underearner” with the truth that solvency and abundance are available to everyone, regardless of their past.
Today, I no longer let fear or feelings of inadequacy define me. D.A. has taught me to laugh, dance, smile, and live abundantly, simply because I am me. When fear creeps in, I turn to the program’s clear instructions and reach out to help others.
I’m so grateful for this community that has given me freedom, confidence, and hope. Now, I get to pass on what was so freely given to me, helping others discover the same joy and transformation that I’ve found.
Thanks to D.A., I’ve gone from feeling like a deviant nobody to a confident, abundant servant of my Higher Power. I’m forever grateful.
Maggie's Financial Success Story
I first discovered Debtors Anonymous (D.A.) in 2002 after years of struggling with my finances.
Although I had previously been in Spenders Anonymous and experienced some recovery, I thought I was cured when I left that program. Fourteen years later, at 62, I found myself in bigger financial trouble than ever before. I had lost my job, was emotionally wrecked, divorced, and $40,000 in debt with no assets to my name. Retirement started with fear and uncertainty, but thankfully, I found my way to D.A. through a credit counseling service.
From my very first meeting, I knew I had found my home. In those early months, I cried at every meeting as I began to face the mess I was in. My pension wasn’t enough to live on, let alone repay my debts, so I took temp jobs earning far less than I used to and learned to be grateful for them. Slowly but surely, I started digging my way out of the hole I had created. Working the D.A. program showed me that I had entitlement issues and was also an under-earner, expecting a lifestyle far beyond what I was willing to earn.
Now, seven years after incurring my last unsecured debt, I live in peace and serenity around money. I don’t have much in the bank, but I also don’t have debt—and that is freedom. I’m blessed with a supportive D.A. community, great friendships, and a renewed sense of faith that replaces my old fears.
At 74, I’m still active in D.A., living a full and abundant life. I’m even starting a new business, drawing on the professional background I had abandoned years ago. I’m excited for the future, and I see so many of the D.A. promises coming true in my life.
“Isolation has been replaced with fellowship, and fear has been replaced with faith. Thanks to D.A., I have everything I need for today—and hope for tomorrow.”
Allison’s Financial Freedom Through DA
I started using credit cards at 18, believing the myth that I needed to "build credit."
Over the years, I maxed out multiple cards, took unnecessary student loans, and used debt to fund a lifestyle I couldn’t afford. By the time I came to D.A., I was drowning in debt, hiding financial statements from my partner, and overwhelmed by the mess I had created.
Through D.A., I learned to track my spending, work the Twelve Steps, and use the program’s tools daily. With the help of a sponsor, phone meetings, and Pressure Relief Meetings, my family went from spending $1,000 more than we earned each month to saving over $700 monthly.
D.A. not only transformed my finances but also improved my relationships, energy, and quality of life. Today, my family takes cash vacations, handles expenses without credit, and I’m even exploring a creative business that feeds my soul. I’m so grateful for this program and the freedom it has brought me—one day at a time.